Monday, July 9, 2007

Some new stuff

Been goofing off with bypassing the inking stage, most of these I like...


Anonymous said...

I'm not much of a critic, but I think these look awesome. Without the inks they get this painterly feel that makes them seem almost dream like, if that makes any sense. And yet they have such solidity and dimension. Its a great style, hears hoping I see more of it from you.

Anonymous said...

I like the first one, I think the name was Venus(?) I would love to see more of this design/character.

Anonymous said...

After searching other sites with your work on it I found out she is an actual Marvel Character ( I have been out of the Comic world for awhile).

I have to say, your design is MUCH, WAY MUCH better than any of the pics I have seen of her on the Internet from the comics. The design from comics look like they are from the sixities. (not sure if that was intended or not, but your's is the best by far.)